Dental Fillings

Premium Dental

At SmileCareAlanya dental clinic in Alanya, we offer restorative procedures such as tooth replacements, permanent and removable dentures, veneers, bridges and dental implants. If you suffer from constant toothaches, missing or broken teeth that hinder your self-confidence, our restorative procedures may be just what you need to improve your smile. We’ll provide our knowledge and expertise to help you choose the right restorative treatment to put your best smile forward!

We pride ourselves in providing a comfortable and welcoming environment for all our patients.

We offer a wide range of high quality dental treatments including, general, cosmetic and implant dentistry in a relaxing and comforting surrounding.

Premium Dental Filling’s
in Alanya

You can invest in your smile today! SmileCareAlanya is a name you can trust.

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What Exactly Is
Dental Fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings for better aesthetics

One of the most common problems that people face are dental cavities/caries. The best treatment for cavities are dental/tooth fillings. Tooth fillings are restorations done directly into the cavity after cleaning the part infected by bacteria. The dental fillings are usually white or silver. We at SmileCareAlanya, the best dental clinic in Alanya, offers tooth colored white fillings for a fresh feeling and better aesthetics.

Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down from misuse (such as from nail-biting or tooth grinding).

Early detection by of these cavities can help save the tooth from further damage and possible tooth extractions.Tooth fillings usually last for many years before they need to be replaced. But tooth fillings can wear out over years of chewing. If you clench or grind your teeth, you may need to have tooth fillings replaced sooner.

If you notice signs of wear on your tooth fillings, such as cracks or worn areas, see your dentist to have the filling replaced as soon as possible. Continuing to chew with a damaged filling can cause the tooth to crack and require additional repair that is more expensive and more complicated than a simple cavity filling. If additional tooth decay develops around a filling, whether or not the filling is damaged, your dentist may choose to repair the tooth with a crown instead of a second cavity filling.

This procedure involves removing all the pulp in the pulp chamber temporarily for the sake of pain relief. Pulpectomy is typically called for when pulpotomy isn’t an option and all of the tooth’s pulp has become infected, inflamed, and disease-ridden. After removal, the canals are medicated and cleaned.

Sometimes, dentists do pulpectomy on primary or milk teeth. In such cases, the pulp is replaced with resorbable material. This is the recommended course of action for irreversible pulpitis on redicular and coronal pulp as well as primary molars that are abscessed.

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    Does the treatment hurt?

    Our experienced dentists make sure that the whole procedure is as painless as possible. Early cavities that are minimally abrasive should not hurt. However, if you feel sensitive during the procedure, the dentist may numb the tooth with a local anesthetic.

    Can I eat immediately after the treatment?

    Yes, you can! The white fillings are set with a special curing light that makes the filling strong and hard to chew upon immediately. It’s highly recommended that you start eating soft food items and then move on to harder foods, once you get comfortable with it.

    Can I do multiple Dental Fillings at the same time?

    Yes, you can! However, it depends on the time availability of the dental unit and how long you’ll be able to keep your mouth open.

    Will it be painfull afterwards?

    In most cases, our patients do not feel any pain during or after the treatments. In some cases, there can be an issue of sensitivity which might last for a few days before settling down. There can also be mild to moderate discomfort from chewing food; in which case, we recommend our patents to visit us immediately so we can take care of your discomfort.

    What happen if a Dental Filling fails?

    Dental fillings can last for a long time if it is taken care of in a timely manner. If a filling has been identified as chipped or failing, our dentists might recommend you to replace it with a new one.

    Will I have sensitivity after the dental fillings?

    Sensitivity will depend on the depth of the cavity. The closer it is to the nerves, the bigger the chance of it being sensitive. The fillings can reduce tooth sensitivity, but in certain cases, it might take a while for the sensitivity to subside after you’ve had the procedure.

    How often should I visit the dentist for a follow up on my dental fillings?

    It’s recommended to follow up with your dentist every six months. This way, your dentist will pick up minor defects even before they become visible to you. This also gives you an opportunity to address any minor concerns that may be bothering you in the recent months.

    Contact us

    +90 507 073 8282