Basic Dentistry


Cosmetic Dentistry


Reconstructive Dentistry

Total €

    Calculate Your
    Dental Costs

    Our affordable prices are in Euro currency, shown as € in the price calculator.

    Make Calculation
    Use our state-of-the-art cost calculator and receive a precise estimate for your dental treatment in Alanya / Turkey.
    Check Available Time
    Now that you have established the price of the service, it's time to find the available time thats most convenient for you.
    Arrange Date & Time
    Arrange a checkup date and time by using our contact form to book an appointment.
    Arrive In Time
    Ensure that you arrive to the practise in a timely manner. We offer free customer parking at our practise.
    Happy & Satisfied
    Finish the checkup and, if required, book your next appointment at reception.


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    Choose Your
    Pricing Plan

    Efficiently enable enabled sources and cost effective products. Completely synthesize principle-centered information after ethical communities. Efficiently innovate open-source infrastructures via inexpensive materials.

    All on 4 Package
    All-on-4 implants have revolutionized how patients can replace missing teeth in just two trips. This treatment places four separate titanium implants into your jawbone to anchor a new set of teeth. The All-On-4 implants procedure offers a quick, cost-effective way to regain the full ability to chew, talk and smile beautifully.
    • 4 Dental Implants
    • 14 Crowns (Metal with Ceramic Covering)
    • Transfers from/to Clinic from hotel - free
    All on 6 Package
    All-On-6 Implants is an everlasting dental rehabilitation procedure that allows the complete restoration of your dental arch. The treatment results in a full set of teeth or dental crowns (placed on the upper and lower jawbones) based on six dental implants.
    • 6 Dental Implants
    • 14 Crowns Bridge (Zirconium with Ceramic Covering)
    • Transfers from/to Airport by taxi - free
    Hollywood Smile Package
    Complete dental care for a single person, serving all of your needs. You should contact us for more details.
    • 28 Crowns (Zirconium with Ceramic Covering)
    • Transfers from/to Clinic from hotel - free

    Contact us

    +90 507 073 8282